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Lake Worth, Palm Beach County, Florida, United States

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Universal Storyteller for over 50 years

Tony Walton and Javier Del Sol  at the Kravis Center
     Javier Del Sol, City of Lake Worth's master storyteller, has been spinning tales and weaving dreams for children and adults for over 59 years. "Javier Del Sol has a repertoire from Aesop's fables to African folk tales. He is a master of that miraculous art of painting a picture with words."  -  Charles Passy, The Palm Beach Post. "Entertaining...he brings to life stories from many cultures." - Karen Davis, Executive Director. Jewish Arts Foundation.    "Known in the community for inspiring storytelling abilities." - Christi Thomas, The Lake Worth Herald.  He was the recipient of the Palm Beach County Cultural Council  Neighborhood Arts Residency Program (N.A.R.P.) grant for many years. Javier is trained in (H.I.P.P.) Help Increase the Peace Program by AFSC (American  Friends Service Committee).  He conducts theater workshops and classes  with "Kids on the go" theater; coaches storytelling workshops and classes for students, educators, parents, and librarians with "Just Tell It!" storytelling club; and directs workshops and classes with "Arts For Everyone, " an Undoing Racism Arts Project in the City of Lake Worth.

Javier is a recipient of the 1998 Palm Beach County, Florida NAACP Award, the 2001  Community Foundation of Palm Beach and Martin Counties (Florida) Dwight Allison Humanitarian Award, and many national garden awards for the Chief Sitting Bull Community Organic garden in Lake Worth, Florida.

Weaving Dreams and Spinning Tales at...

 Summer camps ...Schools...Libraries...Universities...
Conferences.... Workshops... Retreats..Celebrations ... Nursing homes, Hospitals, and much more.
Universal Stories of World Mythology and Folk Tales

Nature Stories... Aesop's Fables... Jewish Tales....African Folklore... Earth Stories...Native American Stories... Guatemalan Mayan Stories... Central & South American Stories...Mexican & Chicano Stories...Indigenous Stories...and many more.

"Just Tell It" Storytelling Club

Javier Del Sol
Lake Worth, Florida
(561) 533-5287

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